Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Like-able Links

October 8, 2014

Here are some links to just cool, internet stuff I've found recently. I enjoyed all of it, so maybe you will as well.

1) If you like DIY projects, check out this from

2) If you like sweet potatoes and tacos, click follow this link to Let me know if it's actually yummy, because I don't have a kitchen to make these in. I just drool looking at my screen.

3) For all of my knitters out there, coughDJcough, get some inspiration from this article.

4) New favorite song at the moment is this one called The Days by Avicii. 

5) Some weekly wardrobe envy with this dress from (which is part of Kate Spade. Shocking, I know.)

6) One of my favorite blogs that you might enjoy reading is this one from Ella Grace Denton's blog, We Need To Live More.

7) Monday night I was pretty homesick, so this article cheered me up a bit knowing feeling that way is common and that it doesn't necessarily go away with time or age.

If you follow any of these links and enjoy the content, let me know in the comments down below! Or if you have any favorite internet-related things, share them so we can all enjoy it! 

This was a lot of fun to put together. It's a bit different than my usual "what I'm doing around the city," but I like to share "what I'm doing online" as well. 

"I always like girls with hairy arms because it's a conversation starter."
"I think these expired the year I was born."
"This is my straight outfit of the week."
"Even though there's a goalie doesn't mean you can't score."
"I'm a big freckle who serves her country."
"Enjoy buying underwear!"
"Wouldn't you love if your breath smelled like birthday cake?"


  1. Love this and I love how you redid your blog... Its so cute!!!

    check me out!!!


  2. Thanks! Left a comment on your new post :)

  3. This is such a great idea and I love the sites you have linked! Plus, I think it's pretty cool that you're from New York! <3
    xoxo, | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog 

    1. Thanks so much!! It's a pretty wonderful city, if I do say so myself :)
