Monday, October 13, 2014

DJ's Birthday

October 13, 2014

This past weekend, I decided to surprise my sister by going home for her birthday. It was her first time being home since starting grad school, and I hadn't seen her in nearly two months. After playing the "I have a train to catch" card with my statistics professor on Friday night, class was actually let out a half hour early and I made the 8:22 home. Hoping for the best, I had luckily brought my duffle bag of clothes to class with me. 
When my dad picked me up at the train station, we were devising a plan to surprise DJ. Although he was against my fear-factor tactics of hiding in her closet until she went to sleep, she ended up being terrified when she saw me anyway.
I waited on our back porch for a few minutes to think of what to say when I walked into the room she was in. But dad took initiative and casually mentioned that he forgot to hang up his jacket. DJ, being her usual, generous self, offered to hang the jacket up for him. The only problem was that I was right in front of the coat hooks. In the corner. Of an extremely dark room. I guess he wasn't against a good spook, after all!
Needless to say her shriek could have woken the dead, and I am extremely relieved that she did not have a sharp object in her hand for concern of my safety. At least she was surprised!
Saturday, DJ's birthday, was the best rainy and lazy day I've had in quite some time. We ate real, home-cooked food (the dining hall's quality has gone down quite a bit, and mom's insane cooking abilities were much-needed), and feasted on made-from-scratch birthday cake. The decorating skills may not be as good as the actual baking skills, but trust me, regardless of looks, it was delicious!

I caught up with my family (and puppy-cousins) next door, too. Maggie is more of a cat-meets-Nicki Minaj than a dog, though.

As incredible as New York is, nothing will ever beat the comfort of home and the calm that goes hand-in-hand with beach towns like Point Pleasant. See you on Thanksgiving.
I've got a few different posts planned for the next few days, so check back here soon!

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